How to clean a computer monitor

So now you have your monitor that you ordered a while back and have been using it a good amount. However, you notice it is starting to get a little dusty and a bit gross. Maybe you are unsure of what materials you should use to clean your monitor screen, so you do not damage your monitor. Maybe, you have never cleaned your monitor before. Well, we have got you covered! Our team has done countless hours of research to make sure we give you the right and proper information, so you do not damage your screen while cleaning it.

Computer Screen

You should check to see how thin or thick your computer screen is. Please read the user manual or check online to figure out how hard or soft you can press on your screen clean without damaging it.

These steps can be applied to a computer monitor or a laptop monitor as well.

Things you will need

  • 2 microfiber cloths (soft synthetic material)
  • Cleaning solution : distilled water
  • Swiffer duster

Items to avoid using

  • Window cleaners
  • Regular cleaning supplies
  • Harsh chemicals like bleach or hydrogen peroxide
  • Old t shirt
  • General paper towels

Do not use these items on your computer screen or else you might make a scratch or a permanent damage to your screen

Turn off the monitor and unplug the cord

Turn off the monitor or laptop screen so it is a black screen and unplug the cord from the monitor’s port.

You do not want to potentially electric shock yourself.

To make the sure the monitor screen is not warm, you can unplug it a couple hours before you clean your computer monitor.


To remove dust, use your clean soft microfiber cloth (if you do not have a swiffer duster) to clean your computer monitor.

Gently wipe the screen in a circular motion from the top of the screen to the bottom of the screen. Make sure you use a dry microfiber cloth that is clean. The circular motion should remove the dust pretty well.

Additional layer of dust

If there are still some stains or thick dust on your computer monitor, then you put some distilled water on the microfiber cloth you just used before. Remember, you want make the microfiber cloth is slightly damp with the distilled water and not soaking wet.

If you used distilled water on your microfiber cloth

Hopefully you have an additional microfiber cloth that is dry. Now, you will gently wipe the computer monitor in a circular motion from the top of the screen to the bottom. Instead of wiping it again, you can always air dry your computer monitor. Just make sure you let it dry completely before plugging your monitor back in and on.

The outer frame of your monitor

You can use your microfiber cloth to clean the outer frame of your monitor. You can apply a little more pressure than you did on the monitor screen itself but not too much pressure.

Microfiber cloth

Image of Microfiber cloth

Cleaning solution (distilled water)

Image of distilled water


Turn off the monitor and unplug it from the outlet or monitor’s port

Use a clean microfiber cloth to clean it

If there is still some dust, then put distilled water on microfiber cloth and clean it

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